For Membership and Other Information About CWA Submit the Form Below
Contact Kelly Taylor, Membership Chair, or Janet Leombruni, President, for membership and other information about Connecticut Women Artists; allow five business days for their responses to inquiries.
CWA is one of the country's oldest women's art organizations, founded in 1929. The organization is a not-for-profit corporation that provides a forum for women's artwork and emphasizes art's importance in today's society. CWA is a statewide group of vibrant, highly accomplished professional artists working in various media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, assemblage, photography, clay, metal, fiber, and textiles. Our members work in a wide variety of styles that range from abstract to hyper-realism. CWA provides many opportunities for contemporary female artists through its programs, including exhibitions, networking, promotion, and education. CWA presents annual art exhibits in Connecticut, including the National Open Juried Exhibition, the Members' Juried Show, the Council Members' Show, and the curated Members' Gallery Online Exhibition.