A Monthly Member-Exclusive Live-Stream Forum

What is ArtChat Live-Stream?
Virtual studio visits with CWA member artists
Expert panel discussions about how to advance your art career featuring some of Connecticut's most influential women in the arts
Educational videos about 20th and 21st century women artists and other topics
Episodes featuring contemporary, celebrated women artists
ArtChat is a live-stream forum for CWA members to share their work and creative processes with other members in an informal and interactive space. Initially started as a way for members to share their art in virtual studio visits, ArtChat programming has grown to include videos about celebrated women artists, expert panel discussions, and episodes featuring contemporary women artists. The dates of these exclusive members-only events, a benefit of CWA membership, are posted on the CWA events calendar on the website and members are notified by email.
The video archives of a limited selection of ArtChat episodes are available to CWA members. Videos on Jurors, Juried Shows, and Art Critique Groups are currently available. They are accessible by signing in with the password sent to members in the newsletter. Click the button below to be directed to the page where you can enter the password and view the videos.